Educational Robotics

ComputerGr is the first educational center for Educational Robotics that was created in the city of Serres.

Its team of trainers has published numerous research and scientific articles in conferences and has released a book exclusively for the Mindstorms EV3, the number one educational package of LEGO EDUCATION, which is used in national and international competitions.

Finally, in collaboration with Higher Education Institutions in the country, it has developed Certified online seminars in Educational Robotics.

Visit our official website of Educational Robotics and get informed about our new study programs.

Please complete the pre-registration form below and secure a spot in the magical world of Educational Robotics and Programming.


With great pride, we would like to inform you that 7 of our students have been selected to join the Greek National Robotics Team. [Link:]

Specifically, Theodore T., Michael M., Irene V., Constantine T., and Christos A. have been chosen to be part of the Greek National Junior Robotics Team, while Christos T. and Philip G. are joining the Greek National Kids Robotics Team.

Congratulations to all the students! You have made us proud as the only Educational Robotics Center in Serres and as the Serres Prefecture.